Satchel Paper Bag

It is made of Brown Kraft with V-shaped bottom and gusset.

We have some commonly used sizes :

10 x 10 x 20 cm

20 x 10 x 25 cm

30 x 10 x 35 cm

20 x 10 x 10 cm

or custom size according to your needs.


People in the world are increasingly aware that plastic has a bad environmental impact, especially plastic bags that are still being used till now. Floods, garbage in the sea, even plastic bags in the stomach of marine animals are becoming a negative issue recently. Developed countries have stopped using plastic bags, and developing countries have begun to stop using plastic bags.

Paper Bag a solution to replace plastic bags from now, in developed countries the use of paper bags has become a necessity, and in developing countries it will become a good habit. You can imagine thousands years are needed by soil to decay plastic bags, but paper bags only take less than 1 month to decompose in the soil.

PT Putra Nugraha Sentosa support the eco-friendly campaigns by producing high-quality paper bags with choice of shapes, sizes and paper colors for different needs.


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